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TimeClock PrintReader (Main Page)
This page serves as a linked main** page for all articles in our Knowledge Base dealing with the PrintReader attachment for the Verifone Tranz 330/380 TimeClock.

TimeClock PrintReader Information:

PrintReader (TimeClock) - Are there any ways that a Print can be Accidentally Deleted?
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Can I still have Employees Swipe if they have a Print Reader?
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Complete Link for Fingerprint Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Attaching the Fingerprint Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Finger Print Templates and PrintReader Capacity
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Fingerprint Manager Menu for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - General Troubleshooting
PrintReader (TimeClock) - How to Remove the PrintReader from a Time Clock
PrintReader (TimeClock) - PrintReader Manual Link
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Replacing the Fingerprint Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Setup for the Fingerprint Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Server Transfer for the Fingerprint Reader for the 330/380 (Downloading Mode)
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Upgrading an Existing Non-Biometric Installation for Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader - How do you clean the PrintReader for the Tranz 330/380 and the prism on the FlexClock?

TimeClock PrintReader Clock Functions:

PrintReader (TimeClock) - Deleting Finger Prints from the Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Enrolling an Employee using the Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader - How do I Delete a Finger Print off of the Clock (All models)
PrintReader (TimeClock) - How to Erase the Prints from the Time Clock Memory and Re-Download Prints from the Server
PrintReader - Semi and Fully Automatic Modes
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Re-enrolling Finger Prints on the Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Reset Forgotten Manager password
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Setting up a Manager Password on the Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Upgrading an Existing Non-Biometric Installation for Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Video Tutorial for Registering a Finger Print on the 330/380

TimeClock PrintReader Site Functions:

PrintReader - 'Fingerprint Maintenance' Page

TimeClock PrintReader Issues:

PrintReader (TimeClock) - Error or Mis-Assigned Punches
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Non Associated Issue (New/Reprogrammed TimeClock )
PrintReader (TimeClock) - Troubleshooting a Unreadable, Misread or a Print that is Misidentified as a Different Employee
TimeClock PrintReader - Re-Associate or Associate a TimeClock PrintReader

Path: Knowledge Base Index Page (A Work in Progress) > TimeClock PrintReader (Main Page)
Date Created
2/15/2010 11:36:15 AM
Date Updated
1/6/2015 11:50:25 AM
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