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Scripting - Round Times for Specific Departments/Employee's
Date Created
6/16/2009 11:55:07 AM
Date Updated
8/12/2015 11:37:54 AM
Is it possible to have rounding scripts apply to only a certain department or group of employee's?
Yes. This is just a process of adding an identifier from Employee Setup (ie. Department, Location, Supervisor, or Home 1,2, or 3) to your rounding rule/script. Below is an example:

if (deparment = "100")
round ("N15");

In the above example it states if the employee is in department '100' (as stated in Employee Setup) then round their punches to the nearest 15 minutes.

This can also be done via a clock prompt. Using the 'x' prompt in the below example we just change the first line to read if the employee clocks into department '100' via the 'x' prompt then round punches to the nearest 15 minutes.

if (x = "100")
round ("N15");

More on setting up clock prompts can be found here How To - Setting Up Clock Prompts.

The same outcome could be achieved in TimeWorksPlus, but with minor alterations.

First, the script would go in the RoundScript processing rule of TimeWorksPlus.
Second, Employee Setup fields like "department" would be referred to as "employee.department"
Lastly, in TWP, you can refer to clock prompts by the field name as opposed to "x".
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