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PrintReader (FlexClock) - Erase and Re-Download Employee Prints from the Server for the FlexClock PrintReader
To update the fingerprints on the FlexClock:

1. Before doing the below steps please press [9] to transmit all punches and settings currently on the clock as this will ensure no changes made will be lost as the procedure will erase all prints off of the clock locally and re-download all prints transmitted to our servers again to the clock.

2. Press [3] to access the Fingerprint Menu; it will then ask for either a Managers Print or Password to access the menu. The default password is '1234' but if this has been changed then you will need to get the code or the managers print to access this menu. If the clock is set to the default password it may give you a Warning screen and you can just press the green [ENTER] or [OK] key to skip this.

3. Next press [5] for Download Mode, then at the next screen press the green [ENTER] or [OK] key.

4. The next screen informs you of its current download setting. Just press [enter]/[OK] at this screen.

5. Press [1] to force a re-download of all prints now.

6. Choose and Press either [1] for a full erase and re-download of prints off of the server or [2] for an erase and re-download of ONLY the prints that were enrolled at that particular clock then [OK] or [Enter].

7. Next press the green [ENTER] key twice to go back to the main In/Out date and time screen or on the Z-Clocks the [OK] button then [ESC].

8. From here press [F4] or [9] on the key pad to start the transmit.

If this was done correctly then you should see messages at the bottom of the screen of the clock erasing the prints then another message saying 'SAVING PRINTS' with a countdown on the clock of the prints being re-downloaded from our servers. The update is complete when it reads "FINISHED".
Date Created
3/16/2009 9:24:41 AM
Date Updated
12/16/2011 2:05:11 PM
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