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TimeWorks/TimeWorks Plus: Scripting - Scripting and Reporting on Billed Mark Up Amounts
In conjunction with clock prompts this script can be applied to staffing businesses that would like reports that they can view employee wage, the staffing companies billing rate, and the mark up or the difference between the employee wage and the staffing billing fee.

For this to work we would need to know the staffing agencies mark up in advance. In our example it will be $4.00.

We need to next set up two of the numeric clock prompts (i,j,k,).

Both prompts 'Data Collection Mode:' field should be set to 'Show online, but do not collect anything. This is because these are automatic calculations and does not require any manual input at the prompts.

In this example we will setup the 'i' prompt as the 'Bill Rate' or the total rate the staffing agency would be charging the business (employee wage plus mark up)in our example the employee rate will be based on the default pay rate in Employee Setup and the mark up the staffing agency is using is ($4.00). We will call the prompt 'I Bill Rate'. The 'I' is there to mark it in our example and is not really needed for any other reason.

Next we would set up a clock prompt for the 'Mark Up' in this example we will use the 'j' or as explained before the difference between the employee wage and the staffing billing fee. We will name this 'J Mark Up'. The 'J' is there to mark it in our example and is not really needed for any other reason.

Now for our script:

if (istimes = true or ishours = true)
i = (payrate + 4)*hours;
j = ((payrate + 4)- payrate)*hours;

This script breaks down to

1. If there are any hours whether actual punches (in/out) or hours only inputed manually on the site

2. Then i equals the payrate (employee wage) plus 4 (the staffing agencies mark up) multiplied by the amount of hours worked. This would create the Bill Rate

3. Next j equals the payrate (employee wage) plus 4 (the staffing agencies mark up) minus the payrate (employee wage) then multiplied by the hours worked. This calculates the Mark Up.

Date Created
1/27/2009 7:28:42 AM
Date Updated
8/10/2015 4:12:53 PM
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