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PrintReader (TimeClock) - General Troubleshooting
Date Created
2/20/2008 10:17:20 AM
Date Updated
2/16/2010 9:02:51 AM
How can I test certain parts of the print reader to make sure it is working properly?
The finger print reader for the Tranz 330 and 380 is a pretty simple unit.

Some of the issues you may come across with the print reader:

Problem - Unable to read data from reader, please check cables and try again

Solution - The clock requires that the reader is confirmed present each time the clock is used, even if the employee will not be using the reader.
Do exactly what it says, unplug the cables and make sure you plug them back in correctly and snug. Once the print reader is plugged back in, press 1 to clock in, and place your finger on the reader. The clock will look for the print reader and tell you if it can or cannot find the print.

If it doesn't work and you don't have another reader handy, then transmit and reprogram the clock (so it no longer requires the reader) and request RMA for a replacement.

Problem - Clock shows "Try Again" when attempting to clock in.

Solution - Do just that. Try to clock in again. If you see Try again more often than the green light, you may want to re-enroll your print. When you initially enrolled, the reader may not have gotten a good quality image. On occasion, some people's finger prints just don't work - particularly if they are heavily worn down by job duties, as is sometimes seen in construction workers, farmers, dish washers, etc. You may also want to try to enroll a different finger, or a different part of your finger. Try to avoid the finger tips and focus more on the region close to the top knuckle where the finger bends.

Problem - Finger print reader works with some employees, but not others.

Solution - If some employees aren't reading very well, try re-enrolling their prints. Make sure their fingers are clean and the reader does not have any dirt or debris on it.
If all else fails, you still have the option of making the employee swipe a card while the others use the print reader. Finally, although we hate to point fingers, we have seen a fair share of employees "protest" the installation of fingerprint readers by intentionally causing poor reads, or damaging the readers with keys, etc. - something to keep in mind.

Problem - Finger print reader is not associated with the clock

Solution - Plug in the print reader and press 1. You will be told that the print reader is not associated with the clock and you can type in the manager password to associate it.
Once that is done, the clock will ask if you want to clear the memory or download prints from the server. If you have multiple prints on other readers, you will want to download them from the server.
Once the reader has been associated, you will either clear everything or download. Once that has been done, press CLEAR. This will take you back to the time and date screen. If you press 3 from here, you will be given the option to go into the manager menu for the finger print reader where you may enroll new employees, as well as change the manager password.
You can also associate the reader by plugging it in and pressing Function + 1. The password that you will need to enter is 346437 (spells FINGER) The clearing of the memory and such can be read in the above paragraph.

Problem - Company has multiple print readers at multiple locations. Employee can clock in at one location, but not another.

Solution - The finger prints are stored on our server. When you enroll the prints at one print reader, you must transmit the clock, and upload the prints. At the other stations, you must wait 15 minutes, then transmit the clock to download all of the newly updated prints.
On the clock that doesn't receive prints press 3 to access the Finger Print Menu then enter the Manager Password then press 5 on the Finger Print Menu and select 2 - Full Download then transmit. Transmit should take several minutes and say Loading the whole time.
If, by chance, that employee still cannot clock in at another location, try re-enrolling their fingerprint on the clock they are having troubles with. ALSO, clock software version 2.02 is common and by default it doesn't transfer fingerprints - either upgrade to the newest version by reprogramming the clock, or re-enable the transfer by choosing option 5 on the fingerprint menu, then selecting Incremental Download. You can check the software version from our Verify Transmit screen online.

Problem - Finger print reader is not associated with the clock

Solution - You will first need to associate the finger print reader to the clock before you can enroll employees.
You will find the setup instructions here - https://www.swipeclock.com/sc/client/FingerInstructs.htm

Problem - Has the print reader mechanism gone bad?

Solution - Go into the manager menu and enroll anyone's finger print under any number. If the reader tries to read your print, and you are able to enroll, the biometric mechanism is in working order.
If the reader does not recognize there is a finger there, contact support, there may be an electronic ribbon clamp that is loose. This is fairly easy to remedy.

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