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PrintReader (TimeClock) - Reset Forgotten Manager password
If you have forgotten the manager password or no manager finger is available it is possible to reset the manager password. To do so:

1. Make sure to transmit all punches off of the clock by pressing the "9" key.
2. Reprogram the TimeClock - TimeClock - Programming or Re-Programming a TimeClock.
3. Reassociate the PrintReader to the TimeClock - PrintReader (TimeClock) - Non Associated Issue (New/Reprogrammed TimeClock ).

This will return everything to the default and reset the Managers Password to 1234.

Note: If the Manager finger is no longer available (manager quit, etc.) but the password is known, you can still access the menu. Simply enter the password while it's asking "TOUCH MGR FINGER".

Path: Knowledge Base Index Page (A Work in Progress) > TimeClock PrintReader (Main Page) > PrintReader (TimeClock) - Reset Forgotten Manager password
Date Created
8/15/2007 9:56:45 AM
Date Updated
5/27/2011 2:11:08 PM
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