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PrintReader (TimeClock) - Setting up a Manager Password on the Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
To change the manager password:

press [3]
enter current manager password (default is "1234")
press [4]
follow the screen prompts to enter the old and then the new password

To set up a manager fingerprint:

press [3]
enter current manager password (default is "1234")
press [3]
follow the screen prompts enroll a manager fingerprint

Please note:

Even if you set a manager finger print, make sure to change the default password as well. The clock will allow the password to be used any time the manager finger print cannot be read, or if the finger print reader is disconnected or not associated. If unauthorized employees can get to the menu using the password, they can delete their own enrollments or make changes that allow them to defeat the finger print reader.

The manager password and finger print do not get sent to the server, nor do they automatically propagate from clock to clock. These must be set on each clock individually. It is perfectly acceptable to have different passwords or manager finger prints on different clocks for the same client.

Path: TimeClock PrintReader (Main Page) > PrintReader (TimeClock) - Setting up a Manager Password on the Finger Print Reader for the 330/380
Date Created
8/15/2007 9:50:41 AM
Date Updated
8/9/2011 3:04:41 PM
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