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TimeClock Errors - Generic troubleshooting of the timeclocks.
Date Created
4/18/2006 10:32:13 AM
Date Updated
2/10/2011 10:17:52 AM
My clock is getting an error message implying that it can't connect to your service. What can I do to troubleshoot it?
If a terminal is displaying an error message suggesting lack of connectivity (i.e. Bad RX Communication, Bad TX Communication, No Answer, etc.) here are three generic steps that will help whittle down the oft arduous task of clock troubleshooting:

1. Wait about 10 minutes and try again - This goes a long way to assuring there isn't any trash on the line or normal little hiccups that go with dealing with machines and phone lines.

2. If step 1 proves ineffective, then try a different phone jack - If this works, then chances are that the previous jack you were trying may have some issues with it. The phone company or the client's IT Dept can be called out to troubleshoot that specific jack.

3. If step 2 still leaves you with a malfunctioning unit, then try a different site altogether. A good thing to try is to take the terminal/clock home, and transmit from there. If that works, then chances are the client's lines are botched up, possibly digital or perhaps needed a dialing prefix that they forgot to mention (9 being the most common).

If all the above steps have been tried, and the clock still hasn't lived up to its initial billing, then send an email to support, as chances are the modem could be malfunctioning on the unit, and a replacement may need to be sent out.

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