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Hosted VoiceClock - Removing a Caller ID Phone Number (USTelePunch/iControl)
To remove a caller id phone number to a Hosted VoiceClock client through USTelePunch/iControl do the following:

1. Go to the below URL:


2. Enter the below credentials:

Username: swipeclock
Password: SCSupport01

3. Once there use the "Browse Clients..." at the top left of the screen and select the client from a list.

4. Once selected go to the Manage drop down (at the top) > Application Settings to bring you to this page where you should select the "Configure" link next to "Call Restrictions".

5. Next you will want to click through the pagination numbers in the light blue area to look through the currently listed caller ID numbers and search for the number to delete. Phone numbers should be listed numerically.

6. Once the number to be deleted is found you will want to click in the box next to that number to the right under the "DEL" column

7. Next click the "Save" button at the bottom left to save your changes.

An image to assist you with steps 5-7 below:

8. Lastly At the Home page under "Common Tasks" you will want to select the "Synchronize" link to sync your changes.

  Hosted VoiceClock
Date Created
5/25/2017 7:55:46 AM
Date Updated
5/25/2017 8:05:42 AM
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