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Scripting - Adding Alerts for Absent / Not Scheduled Scheduled Deviations
The below allows one to use scripting to present alerts for "Absent" or "Not Scheduled" Scheduled Deviations and pulling that alert to a "Alert" clock prompt and with that be able to pull reports on these instances.

Another advantage is that you can use identifiers say something in Employee Setup to have these alerts only apply to select employees.

The below scripting uses an "addentry" script to create a punch for days an employee is scheduled and is absent. We need this as we need a line to modify with our message and to add the amount of hours the employee was absent as unpaid time. This allows you to report on these instances as well as ensures those hours do not get exported as they are unpaid:


//Punch for Absent Alert

if(reportingdate.schedlines > 0 and reportingdate.totalhours = 0 and reportingdate.date < reportingdate.todaysdate){
addentry("hours", 1, "Regular");


//Absent Alert

if(hours = 1 and ishours and category = "Regular") {
Alert = "Absent";
hours = abs(reportingdate.schedhours);

For our "Not Scheduled" alert we simply verify if they have scheduled hours for the day they clocked IN for and if not flag the punch with the alert for working on a non scheduled day.


//Not Scheduled Alert

if(isfirsttoday AND reportingdate.schedhours = 0 and hours > 0 and outispresent){
Alert = "Not Scheduled";

Note this will only work if the employee is using the Scheduling feature.

Date Created
10/28/2015 8:19:25 AM
Date Updated
10/28/2015 8:35:07 AM
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