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Accruals - Setting Up a Manually Adjusted Accruals Policy
This article outlines how to add accruals to where the client will only be updating the balances manually through "Adjust Accrual Balances" and not use any of the automated features.

To do so:

1. Enable the Processing Rule "AccrueUpScript" and at the bottom next to:

"Enter a list of categories that are subject to accruals. For example, a common setting is Sick, Vacation, and Personal (in three separate entries)."

enter in the category they will be using for accruals.

2. Enable the Processing Rule "AccrueDownScript" and enter in the following:

$cat = "PTO";

if(reportingdate.date >= "2015-01-01" and category = $cat){
$shortfall = accruedown(category, hours, 0);

The above is set to accrue down "PTO" if used. If you are accruing down something different in this line:

$cat = "PTO";

change "PTO" to the category you want. For example "Vacation". Note the quotes are required.

Once this is completed you can then add in the accruals balances using "Adjust Accrual Balances" under the Maintenance Menu per this TimeWorks Plus: Accrual Balance Adjustments.

Date Created
3/2/2015 8:51:55 AM
Date Updated
7/24/2015 8:30:17 AM
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