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Changing HolidayRule Hours
This allows you to create a default amount of hours paid out automatically for holidays using the "HolidayRule" (TimeWorks Plus: Holiday Rule), then based on an identifier in Employee Setup adjust those hours using scripting under the "PayRateScript" rule to something different or even remove those hours altogether.

In our example we set the default to 8 hours and based on an identifier in Home 3 of employee Setup we make adjustments to the default 8 hours

In the below example we flag the hours based on:

1. If the day is a holiday
2. There is an hours only punch present that is equal to 8 hours
3. Is the category for that punch "Holiday"
4. If the employee with this punch has "PT" in Employee Setup Home 3

If so adjust the hours from 8 to 6 hours:

if(reportingdate.isholiday and ishours and hours = 8 and category = "Holiday"){
if(employee.home3 ="PT"){
hours = 6;

To actually remove the hours we'd flag the punch by looking for the first 3 steps above but look for "PRN" in Home 3 instead.

If so change the category to "Regular" and make the hour value 0 hours:

if(reportingdate.isholiday and ishours and hours = 8 and category = "Holiday"){
if(employee.home3 = "PRN"){
category = "Regular";
hours = 0;

Date Created
1/28/2015 4:07:10 PM
Date Updated
5/27/2015 11:16:13 AM
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