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TimeWorks Mobile App - GPS Accuracy Levels
Punches made through the mobile app WITH the GPS feature enabled will show (on the time card) under Time Card Options > Show Mobile Punch Details lists an "Accuracy" column with values of either HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW. This breaks down to the following values:

1. HIGH - Accurate within a 200 ft radius
2. MEDIUM - Accurate within a 1000 ft radius
3. LOW - Accurate within 5280 a ft (1 mile) radius

Please note, any information on accuracy we get is from the device reporting it when they make a punch and is not determined by the TimeWorks Mobile App.

Contributing factors in regards to accuracy could include the users device capabilities, settings and the condition of their service at the time the punch is made.

  Mobile App
Date Created
12/11/2014 2:26:49 PM
Date Updated
12/12/2014 8:00:48 AM
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