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How To Submit A Support Ticket
How to submit a Support Ticket

1. Log into SwipeClock using the Administrator Login link (www.swipeclock.com)
2. From the Partner Welcome Page click on the Client List.
3. Select the “CRM/KBase/Idea Exchange” link located under “Help & Support” on the bottom left side of the menu.
4. Click on the “Ask a Question” link.
5. Log in to “CRMDesk” by entering your user name and password. (This is NOT the same Login ID and Password used for access the timekeeping system.)

NOTE: If this is the FIRST time you are logging into the “CRMDesk”, click on the “Create New Account” button and complete the form as required. The Accountant Number is not required to create your user account, but helpful for identification purposes. If you do not have it available please contact your Channel Development Manager (CDM) for assistance.

6. Provide the details regarding your request:
a) Summary: This is a brief one line summary of your request.
b) Question: This is where you will provide the details, including the site number if it relates to a specific client. Share as much information as you have available to you.
c) Attach File(s): This button allows you to attach a file that may assist with identifying the issue and/or completing the request. (Example: Forms, Documents, Screen Shots, etc.)
d) Category: From the drop down menu select a topic that best describes your request.
e) Your Client’s Name: This allows you to identify the specific client that you are submitting the request in behalf of.
7. Submit Question. By clicking this button it will send your request to our Support team.

NOTE: Once your request has been submitted you will receive an auto-reply email providing you the assigned Ticket ID number for future reference.
Date Created
5/28/2014 4:27:59 PM
Date Updated
2/3/2015 12:20:50 PM
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