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TimeWorks Plus: Scripting Overtime Alert
Date Created
2/19/2013 3:35:11 PM
Date Updated
12/18/2014 10:23:28 AM
Is there a way for me to see what time an employee will hit overtime?
Yes, there is a script that you can put in the PayRateScript Rule under processing rules that will show an alert on the time card for what time the employee will hit overtime.

The following script checks to see if they hit 30 hours, then calculates the time they will hit overtime:

$OThours = 30; //Enter hours in a week for OT

    if(reportingdate.hourstodateot >= val($OThours) and reportingdate.hourstodateot < 40 and outismissing){
        $difference = 40 - reportingdate.hourstodateot;
        $newtime = cstr(dateadd("h", $difference, intime));
        if(len($newtime) > 5){
                $newtime = left($newtime,5);
        $hour = left($newtime,2);
        if(right($hour,1) != ":"){
            if(cint($hour) >= 13 and cint($hour) < 24){
                $hour = cint($hour) - 12;
                $newtime = right($newtime,3);
                $newtime = cstr($hour) + left($newtime,3) + " pm";
            else if(cint($hour) >= 24){
                if(cint($hour) = 24){
                    $hour = cint($hour) - 12;
                    $hour = cint($hour) - 24;
                $newtime = right($newtime,3);
                $newtime = cstr($hour) + left($newtime,3) + " am";
            else if(cint($hour) <= 12){
                $newtime = left($newtime,5);
                if(cint($hour) < 12){
                    $newtime = $newtime + " am";
                    $newtime = $newtime + " pm";
            $newtime = left($newtime,4);
            if(left($newtime,1) = "0"){
                $newtime = cstr(12) + right($newtime,3) + " am";
                $newtime = $newtime + " am";
        addalert("Employee will hit overtime at " + $newtime);

Here is what it looks like on the time card:

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