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TimeWorksPlus: otrules (OTThresholdScript Processing Rule)
The reasoning for using "otrules" scripting is to be able to apply different overtime rules for different situations. Some examples are:

- Employees that reside in different states that have different overtime laws.
- Different overtime rules based on the status of employment (Union, Full-Time, Part-Time, Salaried etc.).
- Different overtime rules based on the day of the week.

To enable "otrules" type scripting first enable the OTThresholdScript Processing Rule found by going to Accountant Menu > Processing Rules and doing a search for "OTThresholdScript" or click on the "Overtime" radial button and select it from this list.

The script consists of the below:

otrules ("Two Letter Overtime Rule");

A set of overtime codes can be found here TimeWorks Plus: Overtime Processing Rules.

For example if I wanted to use the script for California's overtime rule it would be:

otrules ("CA");

From here you can do a few things like apply the rule to different employees. For example, if an employee has "CA" (no quotes) in Home 1 of employee setup it would be:

if (employee.home1 = "CA") {
otrules ("CA");

For 40 hours in a week the code is "". For example:

if (employee.home1 = "40") {
otrules ("");

For no overtime, usually dealing with Salaried employees the below would work if you have "Salary" (no quotes) in Home 2 of Employee Setup:

if (employee.home2 = "Salary") {
otrules ("NO");

If you are just looking to change the OT Thresholds for specific employees you can use the following examples as reference:

if(employee.home1 = "NoOT"){
ot1daythreshold = 24;
ot1threshold = 40;
ot2daythreshold = 24;
ot2threshold = 200;

Now I set the daily to 40 and weekly to 200 so that the OT Threshold is never hit. So this would be for an employee that never gets OT in a company that has some type of OT setting.
Date Created
2/1/2013 5:57:21 AM
Date Updated
10/28/2014 10:44:31 AM
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