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PrintReader (FlexClock) - Enrolling a Print
To enroll a print:

1. Access the Print Managers Menu by pressing 3 and entering the manager password or print then press "OK". If there is a "Security Warning" about the password being the default (1234) press "OK" to skip this.

2. At the Enrollment Menu press "1" and follow the prompts on the clock. It should request the following:

a. an employee PIN to register the print to in the system. This PIN should match one of the Card Number fields in Employee Setup for the employee enrolling.

b. It will then ask the employee to register a few prints. This process will consist of the employee scanning their print and when prompted to removing their finger and then scanning their finger again when prompted. The amount of prints it will ask you to register varies depending on the clock.

c. It will then lastly ask you to verify the print by again placing the employee finger on the reader and waiting for the clock to verify the print.

After this you can then have another employee enroll following the above steps or press "X" (CANCEL) to go back to the date and time screen. If you are done you will want to press 9 to transmit the print templates to our server.

==Some good tips if you have problems enrolling a print:

1. Try to enroll a different finger. Some have found success enrolling the ring finger as opposed to the index or middle finger as the ring finger doesn't come into direct contact with objects very often when doing manual work.

2. Also when enrolling try to avoid the finger tips and focus more on the region close to the top knuckle where the finger bends.

Path: Knowledge Base Index Page (A Work in Progress) > Print Reader (Main Page) > FlexClock PrintReader (Main Page) > PrintReader (FlexClock) - Enrolling a Print

Date Created
9/23/2011 7:27:17 AM
Date Updated
12/30/2011 3:26:27 PM
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