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TimeClock Errors - Troubleshooting "HOST" Type Errors
This article goes over "host" errors to include:

1. No Response from Host
2. Host Disconnected
3. Bad RX...From Host
4. All other "Host" type errors the clock may display

In almost all cases these errors are caused by the clock not being able to communicate to the call takers (us) properly. This is usually caused by one of the below reasons:

1. The phone lines condition (static or excessive line noise)
2. The clock is not on an analog line but on a digital one (VoIP, or Voice Over IP)
3. Even a VoIP line that has been converted to an analog line can have issues
4. A modem issue with the clock

Troubleshooting for any of the above conditions is the same:

1. Confirm they are using an analog line (NOT DIGITAL, Voice Over IP, VOIP) if they are the clock will not work and they will need an analog line.
2. If you have an analog phone try to make a test call and listen during periods of silence for crackling or static on the line. IF so line noise could be causing communications to us to fail.
3. Wait 10 minutes then try and press 9 to manually transmit the data.
4. Try a known working clock on the same line to see if it can transmit.
5. Try transmitting (press 9) from a different jack at the client location. I good place to do this is possibly the line the fax machine uses if they have one.
6. Take clock home, or another location with the a known working analog line and try to transmit from there.

If none of the above works contact Support for a possible RMA.

Path: TimeClock (Main Page) > Time Clock Errors > TimeClock Errors - Troubleshooting "HOST" Type Errors
Date Created
8/18/2011 7:07:09 AM
Date Updated
1/12/2012 7:59:35 AM
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