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WebClock - Login Problems
There are a few reasons employees could encounter trouble when using the WebClock to clock in/out. Some are obvious, others can take a little more effort to nail down. To help nail down the less obvious reasons, have employees give the EXACT error message they receive at the WebClock (a screenshot is sometimes helpful).

Following is a list of potential reasons and how to troubleshoot them:

1. Error message is "Unknown login ID or password.", or "Unable to locate clock site / Invalid Password. Check your Login ID and Password and try again.": the employee has entered in information that is invalid for one reason or another.

Ways to troubleshoot:

a. Trailing spaces - creating a space after a login ID or password can happen from time to time and can be frustrating since it is not easily noticed.

Sometimes people enter in information into the Card Number, and/or Web Password fields in Employee Setup and enter a space at the end. Or they copy the information with a trailing or leading space from another document and paste it into Employee Setup.

An examples of this is below. The underscore "_" represents a leading or trailing space in the number "123456":


b. Incorrect or mistyped user name (login ID), and/or Web Password - To verify if this is the issue:

Go to the employee's Employee Setup file and copy and past their login (the Card Number 1 field) and Web Password to another document. If at all possible, we want to have this information copied and pasted as this ensures the exact information is taken from Employee Setup as opposed to typographical mistakes one would make by typing it out.

Then go to the WebClock and make a test punch using the information you copied and pasted in your document and see if it works or not. If it works, inform the employee they may need to verify what Login ID and password is being entered at the clock.

c. If you are having employees transition from WebClock to WebClock 2.0, 2.0 is case sensitive and the original WebClock version 1.0 is not. Please verify they are entering the correct case (Lower or Upper Case).

d. If this doesn't work, please contact Support as another possible reason would be "duplication". Meaning another employee has the same login ID and password combination as the employee receiving an error. Duplication can also come up when the system is unable to resolve what client account the employee is logging in to.

2. Error message is "You do not have permission to use the web clock from your location: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" deals with the WebClockIPFilter feature (Accountant Menu > Miscellaneous Settings > WebClockIPFilter) and means that someone with Accountant level access has added an IP address restriction on this client's account. To allow access, add the IP address given in the error message to the list of allowed IP's. More on this can be found here Support - No Permission Error using the WebClock (IP Filter).

3. Error message is "Please ask your supervisor to give you a different password". To resolve this please have the affected employees username (Card number field in Employee Setup) AND OR password changed.

Path: Knowledge Base Index Page (A Work in Progress) > WebClock (Main Page) > WebClock - Login Problems

Date Created
4/21/2011 7:13:19 AM
Date Updated
12/20/2012 9:14:25 AM
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